Friday, March 20, 2009

Seeking God: Part 2

Seeking God can be difficult if we don't recognize the things that could come between us and God. If God is speaking and desires to be heard, if He is not hiding and desires to be found, then the problem could be with our reception. The second thing that I learn from Jesus about seeking is:

2. Clean House. The second story in Luke 15 is of a woman who lost a coin in her own house and with light and broom searches every nook and cranny of her home. Sometimes we don't realize the clutter and dust that have accumulated in our own lives. Maybe the "gold coin" that we desperately seek can only be found in a thorough searching of our own hearts. Spiritual inventories are a good way to examine yourself. Make sure you hold yourself up to the Word and not a comparison to someone else. Develop questions around the Fruit of the Spirit or the Beatitudes. Here are some questions centered around the 10 Commandments. Use these or come up with your own.
  1. Is there anything or anyone that I have placed before God?
  2. Am I worshiping the true God or an image of God that I have created in my own mind? Am I being shaped in the image of God or am I making God in my own image? Am I worshiping or following on my terms or God's?
  3. Do my words and actions bring honor or disgrace to His name?
  4. Have I been observing a sabbath so that I have adequate rest and a break in my routine that allows space for God to speak, restore and revive my spirit? Am I allowing work or other responsibilities to zap all my extra time and energy?
  5. Do I have any family relationships, especially parental, that need to be healed or restored?
  6. Am I harboring hatred or bitterness toward any particular person or even a whole race? Am I controlling my temper or is my temper controlling me?
  7. Is my relationship with my spouse pleasing to the Lord? Am I faithful in my heart and mind? Am I involved in any flirtations, preoccupations, or fantasies that if lived out would bring damage to the ones I love the most or disgrace to the name of Jesus?
  8. Am I stealing in any way, shape or form? Am I stealing from God? Do I have a spirit of generosity or stinginess? Do I have a sense of plenty or scarcity?
  9. Am I telling, living or believing a lie? Am I gossiping?
  10. Are my desires in check? Am I looking for someone or something to bring me happiness? Is my source of joy in God, a certain relationship or in a possession?

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