Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Denver Update

  • Did an amazing drive up Pike's Peak on Wed. I'll post some pictures later but I know they will not do justice to the awesomeness of God and His creation.
  • Also stopped in at Focus On The Family. That is worth seeing. They have done a great job with a visitor-friendly atmosphere.
  • Went to the 16th Street Mall on wed. night. This is an open mall that spans several blocks on 16th St. No cars allowed. A wide variety of people from the affluent to the homeless. It can break your heart.
  • I'm hooking up with Bryan Sederwall from Denver Church this morning. I have followed some of his story and think he is doing a great job. It will be good to meet him in person.
  • Went and saw Scum of the Earth Church yesterday. Just had to see it with a name like that.
  • Going home tomorrow with mixed emotions. I'm ready to be here but home is still Georgia.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Colorado Update

Got a chance this morning to get on a computer so I thaought I would give a quick update.
  • The weather is absolutely amazing and the scenery is incredible. It's colder here in the morning but I think the days have been warmer tahn what Atlanta is experiencing.
  • Spent Monday looking at several apartment locations throughout the city that I was told may be coming open soon. All have potential, all would require a different strategy, not all of them are a good fit for us. We were able to get out and walk around the areas and talk to people and just let God speak to us. It was a very special time for Pattie and I.
  • Had our interview yesterday. It went great. Tracy Spencer was awesome and you could tell that she has a church planting heart. They are excited about us but she reminded me that the process may be slow. It looks like we will be in Atlanta for the holidays which isn't all bad but if it goes to far into 2009 without the house selling or an opening coming up, I think I will go crazy!
  • Went to Columbine High School where they have a wonderful memorial to the students who lost their lives that day. Many of them had strong testimonies of knowing the Lord. There was also a beautiful wall with quotes engraved in stone from students and city leaders. One quote that stuck with me was from a student who said, "There are defining moments in everyone's life but I will not let this define me."
  • We are heading to the mountains today. We will probably go to Pike's Peak near Colorado Springs. It will be fun.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Two Things

  • Pray for our interview with the Apartment Life Area Director on Tuesday at 10 AM. It's suppose to be a two hour interview. Its been a long time since either of us have done the interview thing but I'm looking forward to it.
  • We are changing the date of our Commissioning Service because we were not able to secure a place to meet on the 8th. We are tentatively scheduling it for the 22nd.

Flying to Denver

We have been getting ready to fly out early in the morning for Denver. Our flight is at 7:45. We will be returning on Saturday around 9:00 pm. Neither the elementary school or high school routes were happy about me being gone all week. The last time I was out for just a day and one of my High Schoolers got suspended from the bus. I hope after 5 days I still have someone to pick up when I get back.
I found some interesting facts about Denver. Here are a few of them:
  • Demographics: The City & County of Denver has a diverse ethnic population including 11.1% African American; 31.7% Hispanic; 2.8% Asian and 1.3% Native American. Metro Denver has an ethnic population of 5% Black; 18% Hispanic; 3% Asian; 1% Native American and 3% multi-racial.
  • Highest Educated City: Denver is the most educated city in the U.S. Denver has the greatest percentage of high school and college graduates of any major metropolitan area in the U.S.; 92.1% of the population in the metro area have high school diplomas and 35% have at least a bachelor’s degree, according to the U.S. Census. The national average is 81.7% for high school diplomas and 23% with a college degree.
  • Baby Boomer Capital: Denver also is the nation’s baby boomer capital, with the highest percentage of boomers of any major city, according to the 1998 U.S. Census. One third of the city is between age 35 and 54. Including small cities, only two had a higher percentage than Denver -- Santa Fe and Anchorage. Among major cities, percentage of boomers is: Denver 32.8%; Seattle 31.5%; Atlanta 31.4%; Washington 31.4%; Portland OR 31.4%; San Francisco 30.8%.
  • Healthy City: Denver is also the “thinnest” city in America, and Colorado is tied as the “thinnest” state with Hawaii. A federal report in late 1996 declared that half of American adults have a weight problem, but Colorado is the exception with less than 20% of Colorado adults being overweight. The active lifestyle in Denver, the great weather, the abundance of recreational opportunities and the high education level are credited for this fact.
  • Denver really is a mile high. There's a spot on the west steps of the State Capitol building that is exactly 5,280 feet above sea level.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Often when you are following the Lord, things happen that some would call chance or fate but we know that it is much more purposeful and intentional than that. I received an e-mail from the Area Director of Apartment Life in Denver with whom we will be interviewing on Oct.28. She expressed that our situation was unique and that hey had never "taken steps like this before." She means that no one has ever moved from one city to the next in order to become a CARES Team in that city. And no one has ever used Apartment Life as a starting point of a church plant. I love being unique!

But she also said this: "My husband and I are also church planters. We have planted three churches in Colorado and he is the State Director of Missions for the SBC here. It is wonderful to hear that you have a heartbeat for starting something even in the apartment community. I already know of some people that would jump in and help you in the ministry of the Overlook if that is where God wants you to be!!" How cool is that! Another church planter and someone who is charge of church planting for the state of Colorado. Now this may not be a big deal or it may be a vital connection. We'll have to wait and see. But to see God move unknown people in our path with similar heart and calling is encouraging and exciting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Recap

  • The Pointe was great this morning. The band is always good. The worship is genuine, the worship leader, Alex, is talented, humble, seems sensitive to the Spirit, and they have all the pieces. They're a complete package.
  • They showed a 30 minute movie called Oversold. It's a modern day version of the story of Hosea. Hosea was an Old Testament prophet whom the Lord commanded to marry a prostitute who proved to be unfaithful and eventually needed to be bought out of the sex trafficking industry. This movie is a good parallel and stars a former porn star who was redeemed out of that industry and born into the family of God. It was very moving, music was great, acting was a little amateur but powerful message.
  • Bought tickets for Pattie and I to fly to Denver next week (Oct 27-Nov 1). We have an interview scheduled with the Denver area director of Apartment Life on that Tuesday. This is a necessary step in moving to Denver. It would be awesome if a property came open while we were there and that we could go ahead and do a placement interview. The placement interview is the final step and is held with the actual apartment complex. The rest of the week will be spent walking the streets of Denver praying and allowing God to speak to us, direct us and either to confirm or change the vision that I feel He is birthing in me. I can't wait!
  • My grandsons are spending the week with us. Jenny and Brian are going to Vegas for a getaway and we get the boys. It will be fun.
  • Camille is in Disney World with her Mom and Papa this week. She had a special lunch today with Pooh and Tigger. I would have loved to seen that.
  • God is good. I love living this life!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Picture Day!

It was a beautiful day for picture taking and we did a lot of it. Joe Stag met with us to get a picture for a prayer card we are doing for our Commissioning Service on Nov. 8. Here are a few of my favorites.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pirates we be!

Today I handed out pirate eye patches to the kids on my elementary run. I had my eye patch on as they boarded the ship and in my best pirate voice I declared, "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Welcome to the Black Pearl. Pirates we be today!" Everyone joined the crew and together we practiced saying "Arghh" and "Pirates we be." The other kids boarding the bus next to mine only wish they rode the cool bus. It was a lot of fun. I always said if I wasn't in ministry I would either be a short-order cook at Waffle House or a pirate. Today I lived the dream!

Made My Day!

I was at McDonald's yesterday when an attractive, young lady (late 2o's early 30's) approached me. She said, "Please don't take this the wrong way but has anyone ever told you that you are a very handsome man?" I said, "My wife has but it is very nice of you to say so too. You just made my day!" Sorry there were no other witnesses but it really did happen.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday Update (and Fri, and Mon, and Tues)

  • Friday night, we went and heard Joe play at the His Hands Coffee Shop at what they call Friday Night@Blue Light. It was good to hear Joe again. Joe Stag also played and sang with Joe along with their friend, Tyler. Joe's voice continues to mature. He did a great job.
  • Great service at The Pointe. A timely series planned 6 months ago yet it feels like he designed it at the last minute to go along with these troubled financial times. He used 2 Tim 1:7-14 (esp. verses 7 and 12) as his text and said that in uncertain and troubled times, fear does not have to take over our lives. If the ups and downs of the financial market cause fear or security, our faith is in the wrong thing. No matter what is happening "I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is . . ." He is able, He is all powerful, He is love, all knowing, always present, caring, full of grace, HE IS GOD! And the transaction that matters is what I have deposited into His account (my life, my faith, my heart, my family, my finances, etc) because that is where I find real security. Amen!
  • The band was awesome and the closing song really spoke to me. I just wish I could remember what it said! It was a Jon Foreman (Switchfoot lead man) tune.
  • Had Bob and Monica over for supper on Sunday. It was fun. I gave them 4 different timelines. Each timeline began with a different date of actually moving to Denver and a different date for launching the church. It's just nice to have a plan. We also are planning our commissioning service on Nov. 8. Make plans to attend. You will probably be getting an invitation in the mail next week.
  • What about those Falcons! What a game! I watched the whole thing. We played great the whole game. I couldn't believe Elam missed a short field goal which would have secured the victory. Then I couldn't believe that we lost it with 11 seconds to go. Then I couldn't believe we won it on the last second field goal! It was awesome!
  • I had Monday morning coffee with my friend, Jeremy Graves, the pastor of Marietta Vineyard Church. He is always encouraging and very excited about our Denver move. He is praying about partnering with us. I love Jeremy's heart for the world and his love for this area.
  • Pattie and I took Rachele and Jenny to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch on Monday to celebrate their birthdays. It was great to spend that time with them. I love my daughters!
  • Went to one of the schools Monday afternoon to speak to a principal about the boy who was suspended from my bus. I was hoping to shorten the sentence but it was to no avail. He did appreciate me going to bat for the student though.
  • Today I have been overwhelmed with the presence of God. I woke up with a thankful heart. It was my first thought and I automatically began to thank God for everything. I'm thankful that God has called me to Denver to plant a church. There are so many people who do not know what God wants them to do with their lives. I am thankful that I have a house to sell. There are so many people who do not have a home. I'm thankful that Jesus sits on the throne at the right hand of God and that everything has been placed under His feet. There are so many people who are slaves to this world's systems. I am thankful that He is the Lord of my life. Otherwise I would be wandering aimlessly, lost, dependent on my own wisdom, talents, and abilities. These are just a few things that came to my mind.
  • This was in contrast to Mon. morning where I woke up at 4:30 am with a sense of panic. That's just to let you know that I am not trying to paint myself as some spiritual giant. I often have to battle to stay above the fray.
  • My thankfulness led to praise and praise is a powerful force. It can set you free! It can loosen chains! It can open up doors! Just ask Paul and Silas.
  • Keep praying for Pattie's back. This has been a long ordeal. Pray that God will completely renew her.
  • I hope to have good news this week!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Church News

  • Had a good meeting with my new Pastor, Brian Jones. He is very encouraging and supportive of this move to Denver. I know he wants to do more and I hope that maybe he could send a missions team out this Summer to help us out.
  • I have a few meetings set up to raise some financial support. Pray that these will go well.
  • We are having a Commissioning Service on Nov. 8. All family and friends are invited. Time and place will be announced soon.
  • I believe that we will hear from Apartment Life soon. I think we will have to move quickly when the call comes. Keep us in your prayers. Sometimes it feels like we are never getting to Denver and then I almost panic when it feels like it could happen any moment.

Bus news

  • One of my High School guys was suspended from my bus for the rest of the semester. It really bothers me. It happened while I was at the Launch Conference and a sub-driver was filling in on my route. He was goofing off at the bus stop and I feel like the driver overreacted to the situation and tried to make him sit in front. He reacted by saying many choice words for which he should be suspended but for almost 3 months is way too much. He has not given me any trouble all year. I think many drivers create their own problems.
  • The Elementary kids were trying to come up with a good nickname for me this week. I'm all for a good nickname. One suggestion was "Stingray." One little girl wants to call me "Gangsta R." I still like "Turbo" from last year. I might get that tattooed on my right arm.
  • Its driving range time and all drivers have to go through the course. I didn't do as good as last year. I did obliterate one cone. It was unrepairable. The judge said he was going to let me take it to Denver as a reminder of my driving skills.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Our New Praise Band

Since Joe and Joe are not going to Denver with us, we will need a new Praise Band. Maybe these guys will work.

The Last 5 Books I Have Read

Wide Awake by Erwin McManus. I love books about vision and dreaming big for God. I love to be challenged by the possibilities of doing what you are called to do. No one challenges you better in this way than Erwin McManus. This is a must read book. I highly recommend it.

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N. T. Wright. I really enjoyed this book. I have been drawn lately to apologetic type books - books that would convince outsiders by presenting good arguments for Christianity or refuting opposing views. This book presents Christianity in a positive manner by confirming the reliability of the Scriptures (although you might not agree with him on all points), outlining the history of God's work in this world, upholding the Lordship and deity of Jesus Christ and a wonderful presentation and explanation of the Gospel. I'll give it 4 1/2 stars or a thumbs up or on my own scale of 1-10 (1 being "don't waste your time" and 10 being "buy it now!") I give it a 9.

Wild Goose Chase: Reclaim the Adventure of Pursuing God by Mark Batterson. This is a great book. Don't read it unless you are ready to move, act, do! He claims the Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit - An Geadh Glas - "the Wild Goose." The Wild Goose was unpredictable, had no set pattern, hard to track and hard to tame just like the Holy Spirit. When following the Spirit, you never know where He will take you or where He will lead you. Most of the chapters deal with tearing down excuses for not following Him or reasons why we try to keep Him caged. I particularly liked his chapter on "responsible irresponsibility." The responsible thing is to follow the Spirit but it may look irresponsible to others. This is a 10, 5 stars, thumbs up.

It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It by Craig Groeschel. A good church leadership book but not really anything new. I've read it before in other similar books. However, I liked his passion about every leader being able to get "it" because "it" comes from the Holy Spirit and is available to all who believe and lead. I give it 3 1/2 stars or a 7.

The End of Reason by Ravi Zacharias. I am a huge fan of Ravi but don't waste your time on this. It is a refutation to atheist Sam Harris who wrote a book called Letter to a Christian Nation. Unless you are swayed by Sam Harris' book, this book is unnecessary.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Great Weekend.

  • We had Camille for most of the day on Sat. She's awesome! Her new thing is "No way, Captain!"
  • Bob and Monica came over for supper Sat night and to talk about Denver. The Launch Conference really lit my fire. I put together a time line of things that need to be done to start our church in March. This is an aggressive time line considering we haven't moved yet and we don't know when we will move. I did hear from Apartment Life and they expect to have 4 openings in downtown Denver this month of which one of them is for us. All 4 complexes are in the heart of Denver and are within a mile or two of Coors Field (baseball,) Bronco Stadium (football,) and the Pepsi Arena (basketball.) We are excited about this news.
  • Of course, any time line that you put together has to get approval from the Powers above. In this case, the Lord Jesus Christ has to sign off on it. Unfortunately, most times you don't know if He approved it until the date has come and gone. Nevertheless, I must plan. Its not wrong to plan (I would say it is wrong not to plan. You know the old saying, "Failing to plan is planing to fail.") but it is wrong to assume your plan is also God's plan. You should make your plan and then work your plan but have such a surrendered spirit to allow God to work out His own plan in His own time.
  • Check out one of the apartments that we may be moving to here.
  • I have always had Easter as my goal to launch our new Denver church but I would really like to launch at least 4 weeks before Easter. That would give us two days after our launch date that are natural crowd drawers - Easter and Mother's Day. It would also give us nearly 3 months to build momentum before Summer hits. Please make this a matter of prayer. It would be very hard for me to be delayed in such a way that would make it difficult to even launch by Easter. If we don't make it by Easter, it would probably be Sept before we could launch. God will work His plan.
  • Cooked a new supper dish on Sat night that was very good. You can find it here.
  • All the family got together for Ben's birthday this afternoon. Its always fun to have everyone together.
  • The Pointe Church was excellent today. They have a great worship team and they started a new series that they planned 6 months ago on what happens in tough financial times. Talk about God's timing! They also started a second service and I think it went very well.
  • Falcons won! That was a great win.
  • Cubs are out but I'm liking the Dodgers even though they are a West Coast team.
  • I have a lot to do this week about our Denver move. My wheels are spinning!

Friday, October 3, 2008

A Good Sign

The last 2 days I have seen gas stations with gas with no lines. Maybe that is a good sign that we are almost out of this ridiculous gas shortage. It has been crazy around here. Most gas stations have been out of gas and those with gas have lines that sometimes would cause you to wait over an hour. My solutions was to get up at 5AM and get gas and that worked well. It changes how you drive and think. When your gas tank was close to 1/2 full you would start thinking that you should get gas. I think this has added to the gas crunch because people who would not normally stop to get gas would stop to top off their tanks out of fear. The big puzzle to me is why it was only happening in Atlanta. Every other city has gas but not Atlanta. It's weird. Hopefully it is over now.