Sunday, March 15, 2009

My First Thought About Today

We went to Watermarke Church today to support Joe playing his drums for the first time on the Watermarke stage and he absolutely killed it! I didn't know that I could be moved to tears by drum playing. Watermarke and any affiliate of North Point Church is known for its professionalism when it comes to creative elements. They have been the leader in compensating musicians so that they can pursue their talents and passions in a professional way. Although Joe has been there for a few years in one capacity or another, they have been reluctant to use him on stage. Even this morning, they were still having doubts. But Joe absolutely put their reservations to rest. He nailed it! He played with passion and energy and true professionalism. I have watched him grow as a musician his whole life and, even though I am the Dad, have always appreciated his talents. But today he even amazed me.

I recently read a book by Malcolm Gladwell called Outliers. It analyzes the many factors that contribute to success that are often looked over. It is not just talent or intelligence but when you were born, where you were born, and small opportunities that reap huge dividends. Joe seems to fit in many of the examples. For instance, there is a chapter about 10,000 hours of practice. Gladwell gives examples of musicians, computer programmers, etc that have put in the time to become great. Joe began playing the guitar in 6th grade. We started our church right before his 7th grade year. Joe, Ben and Rachele were our original praise band. Every week, from 7th grade thru 12, Joe had to practice and every Sunday he performed. Now thats a far cry from 10,000 hours but who knows where he would be if he had not had that opportunity. I have talked to Joe about these things and we both recognize how God has shaped his life and prepared him for greater things. The sky is the limit. May God continue to open doors for him.

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