Saturday, January 3, 2009

Things to do, see, and be in 2009! Part 2

Let me clarify that these are not resolutions. Resolutions can go unresolved and be a source of great disappointment and a reminder of our own lack of discipline or ability to make things happen. These are more like dreams, desires, wishes that produce fulfillment rather than achievement and are prizes to strive for instead of a binding contract that creates pressure and stress. It is also not a check list to see if 2009 is a success or not. It is what it is: simply a list of things I want to do, see or be and if I can do, see or be them in 2009 then more power to me. These are 5 (11-15) more personal dreams for 2009:

11. Plant Element Church in Denver, CO. We have chosen the name Element for our new church plant for reasons I will write about later. The name is moot at this point but the planting is the focus. It is one of the great joys of my life to have planted Axios Church in Holly Springs and pastor it for the last 6 years. Success or failure doesn't matter. I would not trade the experience for anything and I hope I can take that experience into this next plant and be the better for it.

12. Start a new community group ministry. I believe that God is opening a different ministry to us that will focus on apartment living. Denver has one of the largest apartment communities and is ripe for such a ministry. Statistics say that less than 90% of apartment dwellers attend church. Its time to take the church to them.

13. Become more socially active and justice oriented. To my shame, I have never been involved with the poor or less fortunate. Maybe because I am a lifetime suburbanite and have always been trying to reach other suburbanites but I want that to change. I feel called to Denver and therefore want to be involved in urban affairs. Maybe we can partner with this ministry or here or here or even here.

14. Give more, live on less. I have a new lifetime goal to give more than I keep. I don't know if I can do that unless I write a best seller like Rick Warren did. Nonetheless, Rick Warren's generosity inspires me. I know it starts by giving a little more here and there and consciously choosing a different lifestyle.

15. Lose 20 pounds and this time keep it off. This will make me feel better, my wife happier, and will allow me to fit in to the more fit Denver scene. Remember, its the leanest state in the Union. That's less than 2 pounds a month. I can do that, right?

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