Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Launch Conference

I went to the Launch Conference today and thoroughly enjoyed it. It inspired me, gave me a new confidence and reminded me of my call. I left there with a new sense of urgency to get going and start over again. I didn't realize how closing Axios had taken a toll on me. I don't really consider Axios a failure. We did some great things and reached some people that wouldn't have been reached. But I didn't succeed either. We are not leaving behind a new church. Everything rises and falls on leadership and so I take the "fall" personally. My confidence has been shaken somewhat. But this conference has lit my fire once again. This renewed confidence does not come from my track record and is not in my abilities and skills but comes from the God who has called me. Without this "call" I would quit, find a new profession, stay in Georgia. The call never ceases. Its in my heart and whispers in my ear. It cannot be laid down for any length of time until it begins to burn once again in my soul. It cannot be ignored without paying a great price. To follow it is also a costly endeavor but it is also a path of blessing. I cannot tell you how I know I am called, I just am. It has been confirmed through His Word, prayer, by other people, by outside circumstances. It is not imagined but real. His call is specific and for me includes the following:
  • God has called me to minister to people.
  • God has called me to preach His Word.
  • God has called me to plant a church.
  • God has called me to Denver.
  • God has also called my wife and Rayanne to go with me. ( Thank God!)
My heart is on fire tonight. I pray that God moves us quickly.

1 comment:

Monica Selby said...

I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!!