Monday, April 6, 2009

The Pristine Jesus

Yesterday, my pastor, Brian Jones, brought up the subject of how we have feminized Jesus and Christianity. He had 2 lists of characteristics on the screen and asked which one was most Christian. Afterward, He disclosed that the 2 lists were taken from the popular book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus describing the differences between men and women. The list overwhelmingly chosen as Christian was the feminine side. It reminded me of some things I had written in my journal not too long ago and goes along with what I have taught at Axios the past few years on how we have mistakenly thought that our goal is to be good when God has so much more in mind for us:
"Jesus was sinless but not pristine. He was pure but not sanitized. He was not of this world but was in it completely. He was holy but not OCD. He was not afraid to get dirty. His feet were dust covered as He walked among the crowds. He put his hands in the mud, He wrote in the dirt, He ate with unwashed hands. He drank wine and ate meat. He touched lepers and dead people and was not afraid to be touched by tax collectors, prostitutes, drunks and the homeless. He was touchable, approachable, compassionate, available. He didn't find people intolerable nor did He simply tolerate people. He knew everything without being a know-it-all. He was perfect without being judgmental. He obeyed Scriptures but broke a lot of rules. And most of the time, I am nothing like Him."
Oh, to have the courage to be Jesus instead of a christian. To leave my nice, neat, suburban, religious life for something more wild, daring and free. But I shouldn't talk like this. People might get the wrong impression. They might think I'm wreckless or irresponsible or unreasonable or simply going through a mid-life crisis. They may even say I'm crazy. But, hey, didn't they say that about Jesus? Maybe I'm getting more like Him than I think.

1 comment:

carl goodman said...

Your comments on Jesus are right on target. How I desire to be more like him. It is exciting to ready how God is using your family. I trust you will be blessed in your new adventure. I left the world or associate pastor and the Roanoke Valley of VA in August to embrace the adventure of becoming a senior pastor in NC. God has blessed the obedience of our family far beyond what I could ever comprehend. I am enjoying the adventure. Of course God's adventures are always the best.