Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Milestone in the Mile High

Four Deep.

“Four Deep” is one of the core values of our ministry team here in Denver. It comes from 2 Timothy 2:2 “what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
(1)Paul teaches
(2)Timothy who teaches
(3)“faithful men” who, in turn, teaches

Paul - Timothy - faithful men - others.

Four Deep.

I want you to know as partners that you are part of this process. Without you, Pattie and I could not go “Four Deep.” Actually, you are the beginning of this process.
(1)Partners give generously and faithfully so that
(2)Ray and Pattie can develop and disciple
(3)Fellows who, in turn, teach
It is a beautiful picture of the connectivity of the Kingdom of God. All four parts are essential to the perpetuation of our faith and the ongoing spread of the life and Kingdom of Christ. That is why Paul in 1 Corinthians 3 is able to write and I always remind you that “neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service.”

With this in mind, rejoice with us, partners, as an essential part of our team. July was a milestone for our Providence Center for Urban Leadership Development (PCULD). We graduated our first cohort of Fellows from this 2-year intensive program. It was a glorious night. We celebrated each of the six graduates and awarded them certificates of completion and medals of honor. We celebrated not only their accomplishments but also the people they had become. We heard testimonies of people from our community whose lives were touched by these fellows. The transformational work of Jesus Christ was on full display.

Here is how deep your partnership helped us go:

17,952 total hours served in the community
Helped launch Upstream Impact:
    *Allied with 27 families on their path out of poverty.
    *Increased employment income by almost 200%
    *Decreased government assistance by 59% saving taxpayers a projected $90,000
    *Designed and implemented a youth development curriculum to serve the Upstream Impact  children while their parents are in the weekly meeting.
    *invested a total of 3000 hrs in 50 kids at Garden Place Academy
    *Garden Place Academy achieved the highest literacy growth rate in Colorado.
Boy Scouts:
    *Started a troop with many fatherless boys
    *Invested 1800 hours
    *75 kids impacted in the last two years
Providence Bible Church Youth:    
    *Launched new youth (teen) program - New Reality
    *Invested in 30 kids who were discipled bi-weekly
Refugees/Neighborhood Ministry:
    *Invested time and energy in the difficult world of refugees and their community
    *1800 hours mentoring a group of thirty fatherless youth in the neighborhood.
Foster Care:
    *800 hrs
    *Worked with Denver Human services supporting foster care families and adoptions
Successfully organized a Community Forum with nationally known speaker Nicole Baker Fulgham on Improving Public Education for Low-Income Kids.

Here is our staff and graduates:

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