Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sorry for the delays in getting this blog going but finally it is here. One of the craziest things I have ever done is jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Having never done it, I hardly slept the night before. I was scared. But I went through with it and it was scary but also awesome, unbelievable, freeing, and inspiring all at the same time. But I would have never jumped if I hadn't been confident that my parachute would open. Sometimes following God feels like jumping out of an airplane. You take a leap of faith even though you have no idea what the outcome is going to be. Its a little scary but you will never experience the thrill unless you take that leap. And you are able to do it because you have confidence in the One who has called you. This move to Denver is a leap of faith. There are a lot of unknowns but the one thing that is known - that God has called us and is with us - enables us to move. "Daring to move" is the next chapter (chapter 6) in the story of my life. I hope you will follow along, interact, share your thoughts and life with me as I share our life with you.

1 comment:

Monica Selby said...

YEA! I am so glad that your blog is up! It looks great!