Four Deep.
“Four Deep” is one of the core values of our ministry team here in Denver. It comes from 2 Timothy 2:2 “what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
(1)Paul teaches
(2)Timothy who teaches
(3)“faithful men” who, in turn, teaches
Paul - Timothy - faithful men - others.
Four Deep.
I want you to know as partners that you are part of this process. Without you, Pattie and I could not go “Four Deep.” Actually, you are the beginning of this process.
(1)Partners give generously and faithfully so that
(2)Ray and Pattie can develop and disciple
(3)Fellows who, in turn, teach
It is a beautiful picture of the connectivity of the Kingdom of God. All four parts are essential to the perpetuation of our faith and the ongoing spread of the life and Kingdom of Christ. That is why Paul in 1 Corinthians 3 is able to write and I always remind you that “neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service.”
With this in mind, rejoice with us, partners, as an essential part of our team. July was a milestone for our Providence Center for Urban Leadership Development (PCULD). We graduated our first cohort of Fellows from this 2-year intensive program. It was a glorious night. We celebrated each of the six graduates and awarded them certificates of completion and medals of honor. We celebrated not only their accomplishments but also the people they had become. We heard testimonies of people from our community whose lives were touched by these fellows. The transformational work of Jesus Christ was on full display.
Here is how deep your partnership helped us go:
17,952 total hours served in the community
Helped launch Upstream Impact:
*Allied with 27 families on their path out of poverty.
*Increased employment income by almost 200%
*Decreased government assistance by 59% saving taxpayers a projected $90,000
*Designed and implemented a youth development curriculum to serve the Upstream Impact children while their parents are in the weekly meeting.
*invested a total of 3000 hrs in 50 kids at Garden Place Academy
*Garden Place Academy achieved the highest literacy growth rate in Colorado.
Boy Scouts:
*Started a troop with many fatherless boys
*Invested 1800 hours
*75 kids impacted in the last two years
Providence Bible Church Youth:
*Launched new youth (teen) program - New Reality
*Invested in 30 kids who were discipled bi-weekly
Refugees/Neighborhood Ministry:
*Invested time and energy in the difficult world of refugees and their community
*1800 hours mentoring a group of thirty fatherless youth in the neighborhood.
Foster Care:
*800 hrs
*Worked with Denver Human services supporting foster care families and adoptions
Successfully organized a Community Forum with nationally known speaker Nicole Baker Fulgham on Improving Public Education for Low-Income Kids.
Here is our staff and graduates:
Chapter 6: Daring to Move
Sometimes God calls you to do something daring, even insane - take that dare, it will be the ride of your life!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Tour of The Nine, Part 2

That brings us to the Clayton community. There is an old college campus that is now used for community services called the Clayton Campus.
It houses the Providence Center for Urban Leadership as well as Upstream Impact, our strategic partner in helping families move out of poverty and achieve their dreams. We also have several Community Groups in the Clayton area and a great park ministry and open grills to reach this neighborhood.

Monday, August 19, 2013
Tour of the Nine (Part 1)
Last week, I went with our pastor, Jason Janz, and the new cohort of Fellows from the Providence Center for Urban Leadership Development on a tour of The Nine, the nine communities in Northeast Denver that we are dedicated to serve and to see God's Kingdom restore, redeem and renew. I thought you might like to see the highlights.
They first went to find what God may already be doing in Globeville. That led them to a man named Boogie who runs Street Kidz out of this building in Globeville. It actually is a very nice rec center with weight room, full gym, lounge space, and foosball and pool tables. Boogie is a testament that when you have passion for a neighborhood or kids or whatever your passion may be, God can provide a way. The city charges Boogie $1 a year for use of this space because he is helping keep youth off the street.
Boogie told them about this building that was not being used and wondered if it could be of use to us. The elders stopped in front and prayed about this building. The very next morning, Jason received a call about this building. He was told that the city was going to give this building to the non-profit that gave the best proposal. To make a great story short, we won the proposal battle. The building was sold to us for $10. It is going to be used for additional educational opportunities in the neighborhood. Go God!
Directly across the street is Garden Place School. We purposefully chose this school for the PCULD fellows to partner with Reading Partners in tutoring children. Children who are under reading level by third grade are less likely to graduate high school. We met the principal who had just received the reading scores used by Denver Public Schools. Garden Place had the highest level of growth in reading skills in the district. She was beaming with this news and grateful for our involvement. Again, go God!
Tim Keller says that we should not seek a great church but seek a great city for by seeking a great church you only have a church. But if you seek a great city, you will have both. I love our work in The Nine!
This home is where the famous Buffalo Bill died. It's just a couple of blocks from Jason's home in Five Points. It is for sale if you want it. You can't see it but behind the bushes is a buffalo yard fixture to represent him.
- We had lunch at the Curtis Park Creamery which is an unusual name for a taco joint but they serve great burritos. It is directly across from Curtis Park which is the area God first laid on my and Pattie's hearts that eventually led us to Providence Bible Church. Curtis Park is in the Five Points community and is a picture of gentrification. On one side of the park are projects for the poor and on the other side are newly renovated homes where the young upper class is moving. They may be neighbors but there is a divide and a disconnect between the two.

Directly across the street is Garden Place School. We purposefully chose this school for the PCULD fellows to partner with Reading Partners in tutoring children. Children who are under reading level by third grade are less likely to graduate high school. We met the principal who had just received the reading scores used by Denver Public Schools. Garden Place had the highest level of growth in reading skills in the district. She was beaming with this news and grateful for our involvement. Again, go God!
Tim Keller says that we should not seek a great church but seek a great city for by seeking a great church you only have a church. But if you seek a great city, you will have both. I love our work in The Nine!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Church in the Forgotten Places
This week I would like to give you a tour of The Nine, the nine communities in Northeast Denver that are densely populated, racially diverse, historically poor, and have a wide range of needs. I would like you to see where God has called us to live and serve. I would like to begin this tour with an article written by our pastor, Jason Janz, on the Sunday we kicked off Providencia with a service in Swansea Park.
"Today, Providence has our worship service in Swansea Park here in Denver. Swansea is a forgotten place. Coupled with two adjacent neighborhoods, Elyria and Globeville, it straddles I-70 as it dumps air pollution into this place. Globeville is the only neighborhood I know that has been cut into four pieces by the Interstate system. “The Mousetrap” of I-25 and I-70 have left indelible scars upon this immigrant community. People have to hose down their siding once a year to get the tire residue of the sides of their houses. You can imagine what that does to your lungs. One out of three residents die of cancer. Elyria, however, is perhaps the most forgotten neighborhood in all of Denver. It’s mainly industrial until you stumble upon 10 blocks of humble homes and trailers filled with young families with children and a few old codgers. Denver residents, you may wonder where it is. Just remember when you went to the Stock Show to visit the exhibit hall. If you were to turn and look east, you would see the entrance to Elyria.
My friend, Alysa McManus, and I invited every home in Elyria to come to the service today. I was burdened as I walked the streets. The only retail establishment open was a liquor store. It sits in the shadow of the Purina plant that regularly emits an odor that overtakes the neighborhood for hours. I can smell it at my house and I’m a mile away. I can’t imagine the smell up close.A man walked up to me and asked me if I was a “registered deacon.” I told him that I wasn’t but that I was a pastor. He asked me to pray over his home. It was a center of drugs and bad activity and he was now renting it and wanting it to be used for good. He told me his story of being an ex-offender and a thug who ran these streets but now he wanted a change. We had a sweet time of prayer. Pray for “Uncle D.”If you look below the surface of middle class eyes, you will see some beautiful aspects about this place. The residents don’t seem to have sold themselves to the hamster wheel of the American Dream. They seem more content. A large number of people were on their front porches tending to flowers, a game of cards, a small yard sale, or just chatting with one another. And the children. They were laughing and playing with little to no knowledge that they lived in a forgotten place.When I came downtown, I thought I was going to the forgotten place. However, the new urbanism movement has actually made downtown the hot place to be. But tucked away under the highways and in the middle of industrial parks, you will still find places where Jesus would be centering his ministry. That’s where we’ll be today and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be a part. I believe this neighborhood and these residents will have a deep ministry in my life."
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Seven Sensational Days
Everyday life allows us to experience many emotions. When you live with your senses activated any day and every day can be sensational. Last night at work God created some space for me to reflect on the last few days. We returned home from Atlanta a week ago today and hit the ground running. Here, in no certain order, are some things that I have experienced, seen, tasted, felt in the past 7 days:
Awe, sorrow, joy, sadness, love, forgiveness, satisfaction, humility, blessing, hardship, exhaustion, cloud nine, gratefulness! The ups and downs of life! God is in it all! Praise His name!
- I was/am awed by this story. “I’ve lived in this area all my life and the only people to visit me in jail are 2 whites guys I’ve known for the least amount of time. I’m a black Muslim but I think I want to follow Jesus.” The words of a felon/gang member/Muslim touched by the faithful commitment to Jesus of one of our fellows and one of our elders. Reminds me of Matt 25:39 “When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the king will answer them, ‘I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me.’ ” Thankful that this man is out of jail and in our community now. He’s becoming a regular at the Steele St. Apts.
- I was grieved by the loss of a friend, Tonya Grahn Weindorf, who died in the Colonial Hills bus crash in Indianapolis. Although, I haven’t seen Tonya in decades, I feel the loss of this dear sister. My memories of her from church and high school are only sweet and I remember her kind heart. Thankful for her faithful life.
- I’m working with a parole officer to help a young man who found Christ in prison while serving a seven year sentence get the permission he needs to join our fellowship. Thankful to be a part of his journey from prison to probation to Providence Center for Urban Leadership Development. He will be moving into the Steele St. Apts next month.
- Said goodbye to dear friends, Marcus and Annie Doh. Recently married and now moving to the Boston area to attend seminary and prepare for ministry. Saddened to see them go but excited about their lives and future.
- Pattie and I ate at Taco Bell Friday night and I can’t stop thinking about the Double Steak Quesadilla that I had. Totally satisfying and a taste sensation. When can I go again?
- Watched my daughter go to a Rockies game with a couple of our summer interns without us! Nothing short of a miracle considering the intense battle we have had in April, May and June for her health and safety.
- Worked my first double shift at Skywest since before last Thanksgiving. Had to make up for time away in Atlanta. Totally exhausting. I am so not in ramp shape right now. I am extremely thankful for my job and the opportunity for travel that it affords but my prayer is to spend less and less time there and more and more time in The Nines.
- We experienced one of the most loving, forgiving, restorative, beautiful expressions of Christ’s love in a local body of believers and it was in the form of church discipline. One of our elders had to step down from his position because of sin. Fortunately, it was not a sin that disqualified him from immediate service in the Kingdom. God is using this event to change the direction of his life in a good way. The commitment our church has to our brother is a beautiful picture of the Gospel we preach. God is good.
- Did I mention Taco Bell?
- One of the great privileges and joys of ministry that God has given to Pattie and I is our involvement in what we call “Identity Development” with the summer interns and will continue with our new fellows that arrive next month. We are committed to invest in the lives of the young people that come to serve in Denver. We, through one on one meetings, delve into about 12 areas of their life that God has used to shape, mold and direct their lives. It is loving, revealing, transformative and it is discipleship at its best. I am going to miss these interns.
- We experienced the love and generosity of family, friends, and fellows that helped us through a difficult time. Humbled by the outflow of love and thankful for a community to share life with.
Awe, sorrow, joy, sadness, love, forgiveness, satisfaction, humility, blessing, hardship, exhaustion, cloud nine, gratefulness! The ups and downs of life! God is in it all! Praise His name!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Following a Follower
We are followers of Jesus Christ. Pattie and I are in Denver because we have followed the leading of our King here. We are where we are because God has led us there. We are always on the move because God is on the move. Here's an update for those of you who want to follow this follower.
Since moving into The Nines on Jan 1 of this year, we have been diligently seeking people who would want to partner with us in this ministry. Our goal was to raise $2000/month in support by the end of March. God has been good. We have been graciously received by all who have given us an audience. As of the end of March, we have 2 churches, The Pointe in Canton, GA and the West Normandy Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL, who have embraced us as their missionaries. Fourteen individuals have generously partnered with us with monthly support. Four other individuals have given generous one time gifts toward our ministry. Four others have expressed desire to partner but have not committed to an amount as yet. Dozens have partnered with us in prayer. That brings our totals to 20 financial partners and almost $1400/month. The work is not done but we thank God for you and your partnership and am confident that God has the other $600/month in store for us.
While we have been traveling and raising support, God has been on the move in The Nines. We see Him at work in the lives of individuals and in the community itself. Here are three brief stories that happened in Feb and March:
Since moving into The Nines on Jan 1 of this year, we have been diligently seeking people who would want to partner with us in this ministry. Our goal was to raise $2000/month in support by the end of March. God has been good. We have been graciously received by all who have given us an audience. As of the end of March, we have 2 churches, The Pointe in Canton, GA and the West Normandy Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL, who have embraced us as their missionaries. Fourteen individuals have generously partnered with us with monthly support. Four other individuals have given generous one time gifts toward our ministry. Four others have expressed desire to partner but have not committed to an amount as yet. Dozens have partnered with us in prayer. That brings our totals to 20 financial partners and almost $1400/month. The work is not done but we thank God for you and your partnership and am confident that God has the other $600/month in store for us.
While we have been traveling and raising support, God has been on the move in The Nines. We see Him at work in the lives of individuals and in the community itself. Here are three brief stories that happened in Feb and March:
- I reported to you in Feb about a deadly shooting that occurred in the Globeville community which is one of The Nines. A young mother shot and killed two of her children and critically wounded a third before turning the gun on herself. Our church sprang into action in the form of prayer that opened the door to hospital visits to the wounded child and the grieving family. The child is recovering and the hospital staff is calling it a miracle. The grandmother prayed with one of our elders to receive Christ. God be praised! I wrote in more detail about this story in my blog. Check it out here:
- Last year we (Providence Bible Church) found out about a vacant building owned by the City of Denver which they were giving away to a non-profit organization that would best use it to serve the community. We joined with a few of our community partners to form the Globeville Community Center and submitted a proposal. Eight other non-profits submitted proposals but the city chose ours. In March of this year, the city officially sold the $450,000 building to us for $10. I call that God’s favor! God is opening the Kingdom in Globeville.
- A memorial dinner was held on March 19 on the one year anniversary of the death of a young man named De'Quan who was killed in a gang shooting on the corner of the block where my pastor lives. God specializes in bringing life out of death. His death made us more committed to starting a youth ministry in The Nines. After some failed attempts, the Fellows kicked off our youth ministry in Feb called “New Reality.” We have 20 students attending. Also, we started working with gang members more intentionally and, this month, had 13 gangsters in Bible Study. Praise Him!
- Rayanne has been experiencing a debilitating health issue. Last August, she began passing out everyday several times a day. It was attributed to low blood pressure. She was given medicine to raise her blood pressure and the fainting stopped. The last 2 weeks the fainting has begun again. Saturday night she passed out in the bathroom, hit her head and caused a concussion. We are told that this is not a rare problem in women her age and that she will get through it. The falling is the dangerous part. From slipping on the ice to fainting, she has had 2 concussions and a broken arm in March. Pray that this will get resolved.
- Pray that we will finish our support raising by the end of April. There is much to do in The Nines and completing this part will allow us to be more present here. I am praying for at least 10 more partners.
- I am recovering from a knee surgery on March 26. All is well and should be able to return to full duty at the airport in 6-8 weeks. Pray all goes well.
- Health and support are our main concerns this month. We have exciting ministry opportunities ahead of us when we get past these obstacles. I will share with you next month what is on the immediate horizon.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Miracle in The Nines
This pic was taken by the Denver Post the day of the shooting. The Fellows and others from our church gathered at the closest corner possible to pray.
One of our Elders, Pepe Rojas, lives in the Globeville community. He quickly became one of the spokespersons for the community and for Christ. That night he led a prayer vigil for the victims and the community. It was cold and rainy but nearly 60 of us turned out. The Denver Post reported, “Rojas prayed for peace for the community, for Denver, for the state and for the country, in the wake of so much recent violence. He prayed, ‘We want peace, and you are the prince of peace. Bring peace, Lord.’ "
But the story does not stop here. There was also one more child, 3 year old Isabel, who was shot but not killed. She was in a coma and in critical condition at the hospital. Over the next weeks, Pepe made frequent visits to Isabel and the remaining family. He prayed with them, comforted them, and anointed the young child with oil. He was even able to lead one family member to Christ. On Feb 17, eleven days after the shooting, Isabel came out of her coma. Two doctors were quoted in the Denver Post:
"I don't usually use the word 'miracle,' but if you can ever use it, this would be an example," said Dr. Ken Winston, the neurosurgeon treating Isabel at Denver Health Medical Center. "She's doing extremely well, wonderfully well, given the severity of her injury."
"When I heard that word 'miracle,' I remembered the words of Louis Pasteur, who said, 'Chance favors the prepared mind,' " Bensard said. "I would say in this case, the miracle favors the prepared team, and that's certainly what she had."
“The miracle favors the prepared team.” I believe the doctor was referring to the medical staff, and they certainly deserve their credit. But I say the miracle began before Isabel reached the hospital, when a “prepared team” gathered on the closest street corner possible and prayed for God to work His miracles. God is on the move in The Nines and I am thankful that God has placed us on the front lines for this city.
Isabel Perez, who was shot by her mother, recovers at Denver Health Medical Center on Feb. 22, 2013. (RJ Sangosti, The Denver Post)
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