- I was/am awed by this story. “I’ve lived in this area all my life and the only people to visit me in jail are 2 whites guys I’ve known for the least amount of time. I’m a black Muslim but I think I want to follow Jesus.” The words of a felon/gang member/Muslim touched by the faithful commitment to Jesus of one of our fellows and one of our elders. Reminds me of Matt 25:39 “When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the king will answer them, ‘I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me.’ ” Thankful that this man is out of jail and in our community now. He’s becoming a regular at the Steele St. Apts.
- I was grieved by the loss of a friend, Tonya Grahn Weindorf, who died in the Colonial Hills bus crash in Indianapolis. Although, I haven’t seen Tonya in decades, I feel the loss of this dear sister. My memories of her from church and high school are only sweet and I remember her kind heart. Thankful for her faithful life.
- I’m working with a parole officer to help a young man who found Christ in prison while serving a seven year sentence get the permission he needs to join our fellowship. Thankful to be a part of his journey from prison to probation to Providence Center for Urban Leadership Development. He will be moving into the Steele St. Apts next month.
- Said goodbye to dear friends, Marcus and Annie Doh. Recently married and now moving to the Boston area to attend seminary and prepare for ministry. Saddened to see them go but excited about their lives and future.
- Pattie and I ate at Taco Bell Friday night and I can’t stop thinking about the Double Steak Quesadilla that I had. Totally satisfying and a taste sensation. When can I go again?
- Watched my daughter go to a Rockies game with a couple of our summer interns without us! Nothing short of a miracle considering the intense battle we have had in April, May and June for her health and safety.
- Worked my first double shift at Skywest since before last Thanksgiving. Had to make up for time away in Atlanta. Totally exhausting. I am so not in ramp shape right now. I am extremely thankful for my job and the opportunity for travel that it affords but my prayer is to spend less and less time there and more and more time in The Nines.
- We experienced one of the most loving, forgiving, restorative, beautiful expressions of Christ’s love in a local body of believers and it was in the form of church discipline. One of our elders had to step down from his position because of sin. Fortunately, it was not a sin that disqualified him from immediate service in the Kingdom. God is using this event to change the direction of his life in a good way. The commitment our church has to our brother is a beautiful picture of the Gospel we preach. God is good.
- Did I mention Taco Bell?
- One of the great privileges and joys of ministry that God has given to Pattie and I is our involvement in what we call “Identity Development” with the summer interns and will continue with our new fellows that arrive next month. We are committed to invest in the lives of the young people that come to serve in Denver. We, through one on one meetings, delve into about 12 areas of their life that God has used to shape, mold and direct their lives. It is loving, revealing, transformative and it is discipleship at its best. I am going to miss these interns.
- We experienced the love and generosity of family, friends, and fellows that helped us through a difficult time. Humbled by the outflow of love and thankful for a community to share life with.
Awe, sorrow, joy, sadness, love, forgiveness, satisfaction, humility, blessing, hardship, exhaustion, cloud nine, gratefulness! The ups and downs of life! God is in it all! Praise His name!