The last thing I learn from Jesus about seeking is found in the third story in Luke 15. This is probably the hardest thing we are asked to do but absolutely essential.
3. Wait.
In the story of the Prodigal Son, we see a father who allows his son to leave his home and squander his inheritance. Rather than going out and finding the son, the father stays at home and patiently waits for the son to return. This is difficult because it is an aspect of seeking God that is out of our control. The other 2 things that we discussed (changing our routine and cleaning house) were active while this is passive. The other 2 allowed us to work while this relies on God to work. In the other 2, we at least feel like we are doing something while this makes us feel helpless. Waiting requires patience and patience, according to James 1, allows God to do His perfect work. There are many things going on behind the scenes that we are unable to see. The door that you want God to open or the prayer that you need answered may need others to get on board or circumstances to change and that takes time. There are 2 temptations during the waiting process. One is to give up. We must not succumb to this. We do not know how close we are to a breakthrough. We don't know how close we are to seeing God work His miracles. Today is not the day to quit or give up on your prayer or dream. The second is to choose another course of action just because doing something seems better than doing nothing. The Bible is full of examples of this and it usually leads to disaster. Be sure you are not getting ahead of God and trying to make things happen on your own. We will never know why we had to wait so long until we are on the other side of the issue.
I am in this place right now. I surrendered to God's call to Denver and fully expected to be there right now but here I am. Still in GA. Still driving a bus. Still waiting for my house to sell. Everyone asking when are we moving. My only answer: "Only God knows!" Close friends beginning to wonder if I misinterpreted God's will. To which I say: "I will continue on this course until God shows me another path." I am not free from doubt and I am not closed minded to change but delay and waiting are not signs that my dream is false or my calling unsure. God is working things out for His glory and our good. I must wait for His timing.
Sometimes God calls you to do something daring, even insane - take that dare, it will be the ride of your life!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I love this pic!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
NCCAA Champions
Had a great weekend in Indiana watching Ben and the Emmanuel Lions win the National Christian College Athletic Association's National Championship. We almost squandered an 18 point half time lead but held on to win 67-62. It was exciting. It doesn't take much to cut into a lead. They hit back to back 3's to cut the lead from 14 to 8 in a matter of seconds but our guys kept their composure and hit crucial shots and free throws to win the game. Ben led the team with 17 points. I'm very proud of these guys. They are a great group of guys and I have enjoyed watching them play. I'm excited that Ben has one more year of eligibility. Emmanuel has been good for him. I'll post more pictures later.
Enjoyed the time with my mom and dad also. Also enjoyed being in Indiana again.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Seeking God: Part 2
Seeking God can be difficult if we don't recognize the things that could come between us and God. If God is speaking and desires to be heard, if He is not hiding and desires to be found, then the problem could be with our reception. The second thing that I learn from Jesus about seeking is:
2. Clean House. The second story in Luke 15 is of a woman who lost a coin in her own house and with light and broom searches every nook and cranny of her home. Sometimes we don't realize the clutter and dust that have accumulated in our own lives. Maybe the "gold coin" that we desperately seek can only be found in a thorough searching of our own hearts. Spiritual inventories are a good way to examine yourself. Make sure you hold yourself up to the Word and not a comparison to someone else. Develop questions around the Fruit of the Spirit or the Beatitudes. Here are some questions centered around the 10 Commandments. Use these or come up with your own.
2. Clean House. The second story in Luke 15 is of a woman who lost a coin in her own house and with light and broom searches every nook and cranny of her home. Sometimes we don't realize the clutter and dust that have accumulated in our own lives. Maybe the "gold coin" that we desperately seek can only be found in a thorough searching of our own hearts. Spiritual inventories are a good way to examine yourself. Make sure you hold yourself up to the Word and not a comparison to someone else. Develop questions around the Fruit of the Spirit or the Beatitudes. Here are some questions centered around the 10 Commandments. Use these or come up with your own.
- Is there anything or anyone that I have placed before God?
- Am I worshiping the true God or an image of God that I have created in my own mind? Am I being shaped in the image of God or am I making God in my own image? Am I worshiping or following on my terms or God's?
- Do my words and actions bring honor or disgrace to His name?
- Have I been observing a sabbath so that I have adequate rest and a break in my routine that allows space for God to speak, restore and revive my spirit? Am I allowing work or other responsibilities to zap all my extra time and energy?
- Do I have any family relationships, especially parental, that need to be healed or restored?
- Am I harboring hatred or bitterness toward any particular person or even a whole race? Am I controlling my temper or is my temper controlling me?
- Is my relationship with my spouse pleasing to the Lord? Am I faithful in my heart and mind? Am I involved in any flirtations, preoccupations, or fantasies that if lived out would bring damage to the ones I love the most or disgrace to the name of Jesus?
- Am I stealing in any way, shape or form? Am I stealing from God? Do I have a spirit of generosity or stinginess? Do I have a sense of plenty or scarcity?
- Am I telling, living or believing a lie? Am I gossiping?
- Are my desires in check? Am I looking for someone or something to bring me happiness? Is my source of joy in God, a certain relationship or in a possession?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Lions Win!
Ben won the first game of the NCCAA Tournament. The Emmanuel Lions beat Asbury College 76-53. They advance to round 2 tomorrow at 5:00. Go Lions!
Just some stuff
Went to lunch yesterday with Rachele, Camille and Rayanne. Camille decided to pick up the tab. She's too awesome! Sorry its sideways.
Had a great time watching Lost last night. Joe Stag and Blake joined Joe and I. First time we've had a Lost party in a while. Caught me off guard. Only had Oreos and milk for snacking. They were good though. Joe's girlfriend, Meagan, and Rayanne joined us afterwords. Had fun just laughing together. We rapped "Thank God I'm a Country Boy." Try it sometime. You'll like it.
If Ben makes it to the finals of the NCCAA tournament, we will be heading to Indiana for the championship game on Sat.
Rayanne's been driving. She is doing very good.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My Second Thought About Today
I'm pretty sure that it wasn't just the drums that moved me to tears today but watching my son do what he loves to do, do what God has gifted him to do, live out the passion that is in his heart. It doesn't matter which child whether it is Joe on the drums, Ben knocking down a three, Rayanne and Rachele singing, or Jenny touching lives through her salon, it brings a parent great joy to see their kids live out their dreams, attempt new things, step out on faith, follow God, live out their lives in their own special unique ways. I love my kids. I see them all succeeding. I see them attempting great things and being great people. They move me with joy expressed in tears and I am proud of them all.
My First Thought About Today
We went to Watermarke Church today to support Joe playing his drums for the first time on the Watermarke stage and he absolutely killed it! I didn't know that I could be moved to tears by drum playing. Watermarke and any affiliate of North Point Church is known for its professionalism when it comes to creative elements. They have been the leader in compensating musicians so that they can pursue their talents and passions in a professional way. Although Joe has been there for a few years in one capacity or another, they have been reluctant to use him on stage. Even this morning, they were still having doubts. But Joe absolutely put their reservations to rest. He nailed it! He played with passion and energy and true professionalism. I have watched him grow as a musician his whole life and, even though I am the Dad, have always appreciated his talents. But today he even amazed me.
I recently read a book by Malcolm Gladwell called Outliers. It analyzes the many factors that contribute to success that are often looked over. It is not just talent or intelligence but when you were born, where you were born, and small opportunities that reap huge dividends. Joe seems to fit in many of the examples. For instance, there is a chapter about 10,000 hours of practice. Gladwell gives examples of musicians, computer programmers, etc that have put in the time to become great. Joe began playing the guitar in 6th grade. We started our church right before his 7th grade year. Joe, Ben and Rachele were our original praise band. Every week, from 7th grade thru 12, Joe had to practice and every Sunday he performed. Now thats a far cry from 10,000 hours but who knows where he would be if he had not had that opportunity. I have talked to Joe about these things and we both recognize how God has shaped his life and prepared him for greater things. The sky is the limit. May God continue to open doors for him.
I recently read a book by Malcolm Gladwell called Outliers. It analyzes the many factors that contribute to success that are often looked over. It is not just talent or intelligence but when you were born, where you were born, and small opportunities that reap huge dividends. Joe seems to fit in many of the examples. For instance, there is a chapter about 10,000 hours of practice. Gladwell gives examples of musicians, computer programmers, etc that have put in the time to become great. Joe began playing the guitar in 6th grade. We started our church right before his 7th grade year. Joe, Ben and Rachele were our original praise band. Every week, from 7th grade thru 12, Joe had to practice and every Sunday he performed. Now thats a far cry from 10,000 hours but who knows where he would be if he had not had that opportunity. I have talked to Joe about these things and we both recognize how God has shaped his life and prepared him for greater things. The sky is the limit. May God continue to open doors for him.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Good day!
We spent the day at my mother-in-law's house. It was her 83rd birthday. She looked very good. Jenny, Rachele, Joe and Rayanne plus 3 of our grandkids, Michayla, Jacob, and Camille (Matthew was sick) went with us. Joe's girlfriend, Meagam, also came along. Got home and watched a little basketball with Ben. Its always good to be with the kids!
Someone was suppose to look at the house while we were away but I can't tell if they did.
It also rained most of the day. I'm always up for some rain. Its a sign of God's blessings.
Tomorrow we are going to Watermarke Church. Joe is playing the drums in the band and Rachele is singing. This is a big opportunity for Joe. It could open the door for more playing time and steady gigs. He is doing well with his music.
Ben's team is heading for the NCCAA National Tournament in Indiana next week. I'm excited for him.
Someone was suppose to look at the house while we were away but I can't tell if they did.
It also rained most of the day. I'm always up for some rain. Its a sign of God's blessings.
Tomorrow we are going to Watermarke Church. Joe is playing the drums in the band and Rachele is singing. This is a big opportunity for Joe. It could open the door for more playing time and steady gigs. He is doing well with his music.
Ben's team is heading for the NCCAA National Tournament in Indiana next week. I'm excited for him.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Seeking God!
Finding God, receiving His wisdom, finding His will shouldn't be as hard as we make it. Especially when we consider that God is a Revealer, a Broadcaster, a Seeker Himself. Luke 15 gives us three pictures of how diligent God is in seeking us out. Jesus is the Master Seeker and we can take cues from these stories on how we can seek Him. Three things that I've learned when I need to hear from God:
1. Change my routine. The first story shows a shepherd who has to leave the familiar place or path in order to find a stray sheep. If you are looking for something new, don't go to the same old familiar places. If we search in the same old places we will probably get the same old results. Its easy to get into a spiritual rut which often makes it hard to see whats going on outside our rut. And often we don't even realize that we are in a rut until we get outside of it. So try this. If you are used to a rural or suburban area, why not take a ride into the city? Spend a day walking the streets, observing people, listening to God, seeing what He sees. If you are in the city, head for the hills away from the noise and the hustle. If you are use to a "prayer closet" go to a park and experience the wide open spaces. Does your church meet in a school or theater? Then why not find a sanctuary where you can lay things at the altar? Elijah went to a cave, Moses to a mountain and Peter to a rooftop. Find a new place to hear from God.
The shepherd also had to leave the 99 sheep to find the one. Sometimes we need to seek outside our circle of friends or sphere of influence. Sometimes those closest to us are not objective and could possibly be in the rut with us. A new voice can share new insight. Be careful with this. Make sure that you turn to someone you trust and respect.
Another way to break our routine that is not implied in this story is fasting. Don't underestimate the value of this. Whatever you decide to refrain from (lunch, TV, radio, ice coffee, etc.) creates space and opportunity for God to speak. It's a worthwhile change of routine.
This has gone longer than I expected. Its the preacher in me. I'll share the other 2 later.
1. Change my routine. The first story shows a shepherd who has to leave the familiar place or path in order to find a stray sheep. If you are looking for something new, don't go to the same old familiar places. If we search in the same old places we will probably get the same old results. Its easy to get into a spiritual rut which often makes it hard to see whats going on outside our rut. And often we don't even realize that we are in a rut until we get outside of it. So try this. If you are used to a rural or suburban area, why not take a ride into the city? Spend a day walking the streets, observing people, listening to God, seeing what He sees. If you are in the city, head for the hills away from the noise and the hustle. If you are use to a "prayer closet" go to a park and experience the wide open spaces. Does your church meet in a school or theater? Then why not find a sanctuary where you can lay things at the altar? Elijah went to a cave, Moses to a mountain and Peter to a rooftop. Find a new place to hear from God.
The shepherd also had to leave the 99 sheep to find the one. Sometimes we need to seek outside our circle of friends or sphere of influence. Sometimes those closest to us are not objective and could possibly be in the rut with us. A new voice can share new insight. Be careful with this. Make sure that you turn to someone you trust and respect.
Another way to break our routine that is not implied in this story is fasting. Don't underestimate the value of this. Whatever you decide to refrain from (lunch, TV, radio, ice coffee, etc.) creates space and opportunity for God to speak. It's a worthwhile change of routine.
This has gone longer than I expected. Its the preacher in me. I'll share the other 2 later.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I was excited to have my Macbook and be able to drink my ice coffee and do some work at McDonalds but it just isn't going to happen. They want to charge a;most $3 for every 2 hours spent on their network! That's ridiculous! So I moved down to the coffee shop, It's A Grind, where the wifi is free. This is seriously going to affect my hazelnut ice coffee addiction.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Momentous Day
Today I am taking Rayanne to get her Learner's Permit to begin driving. This is the fifth time that I have gone through this and it is always exciting to reach this milestone. I can't believe that it is already time for Rayanne to take this step. She is a wonderful and beautiful young lady. I love her. We are going to breakfast together and then to the DMV. Pray for her and us.
Something Interesting
Pattie and I just finished watching the John Adams miniseries from a couple of years ago. It was very good. I recommend it. It was great to go back to the beginning of our nation and see the sacrifice and courage of our founding fathers. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were close friends but political ideology caused a rift in their friendship. They renewed their relationship toward the end of their lives. They were the last two surviving signers of the Declaration of Independence and both died on July 4, 1826 which was the 50th anniversary of the signing of the document. Its a great story.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
5 Hours Ago
When I arrived at Woodstock High School this morning, the school was surrounded by police and it was in lock down. I was one of the first busses to arrive. They were unloading one bus at a time and moving the students directly into the gym. It has been on the news all morning. They have arrested three students and recovered several weapons and ammo. I joked with the kids but was really concerned. It was very emotional to me. I had to fight the tears when I left. I like the kids that ride my bus and I left them in a threatening place. I have a grandson, Matthew, at the Middle School. I was glad that Rayanne was at home. When we were in Denver, we went by the Columbine Memorial. Its very beautiful, reverent, emotional, somber, sacred. We don't ned one of those in Woodstock. I am thankful that this plot was uncovered and no one was hurt. I'm thankful that they were discovered before all the students arrived. I'm sorry that school is not a safe place. I'm sorry that there are kids bent on destruction. I'm thankful that God knows, cares, sees. I'm thankful that His mercy was extended to us today.
Two things happened yesterday that I want to share:
- Ben called last night to inform us that he had been selected on the All Conference Team for the Southern States Athletic Conference. I am thrilled for him and proud of him. Their conference tournament begins today. They play Berry College at 2 pm at Shorter College in Rome, GA. If they get to the finals they will probably get a birth into the NAIA National Championship Tournament.
- Got a lap top last night. I am now mobile and maybe I will keep up with this blog better.
6 Days Ago - Someone Liked our House
Last Sat., potential buyers came and looked at our home. Its always nice to have someone come by in this slow market. They really liked our back yard. I was later told by my realtor that they settled on another house. My realtor assures me that things are picking up. Her phone is starting to ring more and she is having more viewings. She says she is confident that our house will sell this spring. I pray that she is right. I know God is in control but I want to do everything that I need to do in order to sell our home. Does something else need painted? Do we need to change or repair something? I've been told that maybe God doesn't want us to move since we haven't sold yet. I can't accept that. This is not being stubborn or blind or proud but just a certainty in my heart that God wants us to go. It is not a question of if we go but when.
Monday, March 2, 2009
9 Days Ago - Our Commissioning Service
Two Sundays ago, we had our Colorado Team Commissioning Service. It was a special time for Pattie and I and Bob and Monica. It was great to have our family and friends surround us, pray for us, hopefully catch our vision for Denver, and supporting us. Here are some highlights:
- I first want to thank my pastor, Brian Jones, from The Pointe and his staff and volunteers. They went above and beyong the call of duty to help us pull this off and I am truly grateful.
- Bob led us in about 4 rockin' worship songs. Bob does a great job. He truly has a heart for worship, a desire to connect people to God through music, and the work ethic and determination to pull it off. I'm so glad that he and Monica are on the team. It was also great for so many of their family and friends to see Bob lead. For many, it was the first time to see him in action and I know that they were wonderfully surprised and recognized God's call on Bob's life and were more settled with the idea of them moving to Denver. Did I ever mention that Bob lived in Denver for a few years?
- Besides Bob, the band consisted of Monica on the bass guitar, Pattie on the tamborine, my son, Joe, on the drums. Pattie and Monica also did back up vocals. Alex (the worship leader at the Pointe) and 2 other of his band members helped round out the crew.
- I want to thank Monica for all that she does. She is very versatile and will do whatever is needed to help us pull things off. She'll play the bass, run the sound or video equipment, contact people, plan the service, etc. She has a servant's heart and loves the Lord and people.
- I must also thank my wife, Pattie. I would not be doing this without her and even doubt that I would be in ministry at all if I hadn't found her when I did. Her belief in me is a huge strength. Her love for me is the fuel that powers my day. She has an incredible mind for ministry. She has a very practical vision for how things should be. I do well to listen to her. She has a wisdom that often surpasses mine.
- Now lets get to the service. I was able to share what we believe God wants to do through us and Element Church by using the 4 elements.
- Wind - This illustrates how God is moving us to Denver. There is only one good reason to move to Denver and that is because God has led us this way. We were willing to hoist our sails and let the wind of the Spirit take us to where He wants us to be and for some reason that is Denver. This leading has turned into a call and we have no choice as committed followers of Jesus Christ but to follow.
- Fire - this illustrates the passions that fuel the fire in us. A passion to connect people to the Word of God. A passion to connect people to their Creator/God and Savior/Lord. A passion to connect lives to the basic elements of Christianity - faith, hope and love. A passion to connect to the people of Denver.
- Earth - this illustrates the strategy we plan to use to plant this new church in Denver. I shared with them the Launch Strategy that has been used successfully by many church planters as well as the more unique opportunity through Apartment Life to open up new soil in the apartment communities that are prevalent in Denver. Apartment communities are relatively untapped mission fields and we feel strangely drawn to this endeavor.
- Water - this illustrates the common bond that all believers share. We must all follow Jesus through the water. There is one God, one Lord, one baptism, one body, one mission. This was an appeal for everyone to join us in this adventure through a commitment to pray for this mission or even give to it. We cannot do this alone. Everyone's participation matters.
- We had our entire family come forward and everyone laid hands on us and my friend, Jim Warrington, prayed for us. Then Bob and Monica had their family join them and we gathered around while Alex, the Pointe's worship leader, prayed for them. Then just our team gathered and all the ordained men laid hand on us and my pastor, Brian Jones, prayed over us.
- My former Pastor and friend in the ministry, Norman Hunt, closed our time together with prayer. I appreciated him coming and will always be grateful to him for giving me my first real opportunity in ministry as well as fulfilling my dream of being a youth pastor in my early ministry years.
- A generous offering was taken and valuable monthly support was gained. I am humbled by such gifts.
- I am glad for this day to have come and gone. Even though the timing of our move is uncertain our resolve is steadfast. This feels like a milestone, a significant moment. It feels like we are just that much closer to embarking on this adventure. It feels like the wind is blowing!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
2 Weeks Ago
On Feb 15, I was asked to preach at our church, The Pointe. It was an honor to be asked, a privilege to preach, and I was stoked for the opportunity.
- We handed out prayer photos and letters with invitations to our commissioning service.
- I was able to talk about Denver but wanted to share most of that at the commissioning service. So I wanted to spend more time with one of the passions behind Element which is to bring to life biblical passages that have become dull with familiarity. Jesus used metaphors such as wind, fire, water, earth, to paint vivid pictures of what God is doing in this world. He used picturesque stories that brought life to spiritual truth. People constantly responded to Jesus by saying "no one teaches like this man!" I feel like we have lost much of the beauty of these truths by reducing them to steps and formulas. These truths are too free and wild to be forced into a certain formula, leashed to a denominational stance, or fenced in by tradition. I am not talking about changing the meaning of such truths but allowing them to run free so they can take us where they lead us and be the raw elements that make up our faith and life.
- I spoke from John 3 on what it means to be born again.
- I spoke of the wind of the Spirit. God is alive, near and on the move. He is not far away and trying to get us to where He is but He is close and wanting us to be involved in what He is doing here. We are children of the wind and we must go where the wind blows us.
- I spoke at both services. That is not an easy task. Its almost like speaking in an echo chamber. When I was speaking at the second service, I kept hearing what I said in the first and it wasn't coming out exactly the same. It was weird.
- Everyone was gracious and complimentary. Not really the goal of preaching but better than the alternative.
- It kind of put me in a funk for two days. Your adrenaline gets pumping when you preach and its easy to crash afterwords. That's why a lot of pastors write a resignation letter on Monday but tear it up by Wednesday. Preaching can be humbling, it can make you feel inadequate, and, according to scripture, even seem foolish but when you are called you can't help but want to do it again the next Sunday.
- I'll give you more tomorrow.
Flashbacks, Flash Forwards, and Time Delays!

In the first few seasons of Lost, they used "flashbacks" to give you the back story of the people stranded on the island. In season 4, they switched to "flash forwards" to tell you what was going to happen to the people who got off the island. This season, they use time delay by opening with the final scene of the show and going back weeks, days, or hours (whatever the episode requires) and lead you to that final scene. So in the spirit of Lost, I will begin with today by telling you that we are about to head out to The Pointe Church and things are going great and I believe the wind is blowing and God is moving. And, after church, I will begin with 2 weeks ago.
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